Tag Archives: Biological Evolution

BEACON in the News: (How) does a bear walk in the woods?

This week BEACON grad student Katie Shine and her PhD advisor Craig McGowan at the University of Idaho are getting a lot of news coverage for their research investigating bear locomotion using live bears from Washington State University (grizzlies) and … Continue reading

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Introducing BEACON’s New Science Outreach and Communication Postdocs

This post is by MSU postdoc Alexa Warwick. Alexa Warwick is the new Evolution Education and Outreach Postdoc at BEACON working with Dr. Louise Mead. Alexa worked on her Ph.D. with Drs. Emily Lemmon and Joseph Travis at Florida State … Continue reading

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A Mighty Mouse and a Scientist in Training: A Story of Physiological and Personal Evolution

This post is by Okemos High School student Maddie Stover working in Dr. Ashlee Rowe’s lab in the Neuroscience Program & Department of Integrative Biology at MSU. A particularly effective nervous system makes the four-inch grasshopper mouse quite a fearsome … Continue reading

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A niche in time: adaptations in sensory processing associated with temporal niche

This post is by MSU graduate student Andrea Morrow. People often associate certain physical adaptations with an animal’s temporal niche, i.e. daily activity pattern. For example, some nocturnal animals have larger eyes, larger corneas, or higher concentrations of rod cells than … Continue reading

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Introducing BEACON’s New Science Outreach and Communication Postdocs

This post is by MSU postdoc Wendy Smythe. Dr. Wendy F. Smythe is an environmental scientist who came to BEACON from CMOP who looks at how microbes influence their environment, by examining geochemistry, microbial ecology, microbial diversity, and biomineralization of iron … Continue reading

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Manipulating evolution to conserve species

This post is by MSU Postdoc Sarah Fitzpatrick working at the Kellogg Biological Station Consider a native fish population in a small headwater stream with low genetic diversity due to genetic drift and founder effect (loss of variation that occurs when … Continue reading

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Studying the Evolution of Division of Labor with Digital Organisms

This post is by MSU Postdoc Heather Goldsby. Why do you have different types of cells in your body? Why do honeybees perform different roles, including forager, undertaker, nurse, and queen? Why do factory workers perform jobs as specific as … Continue reading

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Evolution’s Pet Cemeteries: museum collections are haunted by ghosts of natural selection

This post is by MSU Postdoc Eben Gering. Several of my most exciting workdays last year were spent rummaging through drawers of dead birds. I was on the hunt for a few dozen of the 640,000 specimens that makeup the … Continue reading

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BEACON Researchers at Work: The Evolution of Cooperation by the Hankshaw Effect: A Big Thumbs Up for Cooperation!

This week’s BEACON Researchers at Work blog post is by University of Washington graduate students Katie Dickinson and Sarah Hammarlund and postdoc Brian Connelly. Hold your hand out in front of you and examine it closely. Five digits, four fingers … Continue reading

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BEACON Researchers at Work: Source-sink population dynamics facilitate plasmid host range evolution

This week’s BEACON Researchers at Work blog post is by University of Idaho postdoc Wesley Loftie-Eaton. With all the thanks to BEACON for funding and Dr. Eva M. Top for her support and guidance, my latest foray into the world … Continue reading

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