Category Archives: BEACONites

BEACON Researchers at Work: Effects of rising temperatures on marine phytoplankton

This week’s BEACON Researchers at Work post is by MSU graduate student Mridul Thomas. Every day, a staggering quantity of carbon is drawn out of the atmosphere into the oceans as a result of the silent actions of massive numbers … Continue reading

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Origins of Life: Experiment art installation at Ars Electronica 2011

The art installation “Origins of Life: Experiment #1.6” by Adam Brown, BEACON’s  artist-in-residence, and Robert Root-Bernstein was featured this month at Ars Electronica 2011 in Austria. This series of experiments is a re-enactment of the famous Urey-Miller experiment which simulated … Continue reading

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BEACON's Titus Brown on "Coding your way out of a problem"

In the current issue of Nature Methods, “Coding your way out of a problem” by Jeffrey M. Perkel features advice for biologists from BEACON MSU assistant professor C. Titus Brown under “Advice from the Pros.” Some highlights: Do not be … Continue reading

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BEACON Researchers at Work: The Role of Environment in the Evolution of Cooperation

This week’s BEACON Researchers at Work post is by MSU graduate student Brian Connelly. Cooperation is something that most people take for granted.  It’s woven into just about every part of our lives.  Our societies have even developed a wide … Continue reading

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Evolution podcast by BEACON faculty member Randall Hayes

Check out NC A&T BEACONite Randall Hayes’ weekly evolution podcast, Variation Selection Inheritance. You can access it at or you can subscribe on iTunes. This week’s topic: the similarities between graduate school and marathons. As Randall notes, “They both … Continue reading

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BEACON Researchers at Work: Using digital evolution to understand host-parasite co-evolution

This week’s BEACON Researchers at Work blog post is by MSU graduate student Luis Zaman. Enjoy! We’ve all been stuck in stand-still traffic on the highway. Slowly people start exiting to use a newly found alternate route. Unfortunately, this detour … Continue reading

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BEACON Researchers at Work: Facial recognition software improved by evolutionary computing

Here is the second installment of the new BEACON Researchers at Work series, from North Carolina A&T graduate student Joseph Shelton. Biometric security systems use biometric identification to determine whether or not an individual is allowed access to a resource … Continue reading

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BEACON Researchers at Work: Tropical crickets hitchhike their way to rapid evolution

This week we are introducing a new feature on the BEACON Blog: BEACON Researchers at Work! Please enjoy the first post from Michigan State University postdoc Robin Tinghitella. What would happen if all the lions suddenly lost their manes, or … Continue reading

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Evolution Park

BEACON scientists Philip McKinley, Xiaobo Tan, and Janette Boughman have been awarded an NSF grant to construct Evolution Park, an evolutionary robotics testbed! The Evolution Park provides an experimental testbed for applying evolutionary computation to the development and control of … Continue reading

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Announcing BEACON's new Diversity Director, Judi Brown Clarke

We are pleased to introduce our newest BEACON team member, Diversity Director Judi Brown Clarke. She has an extensive background in diversity, including her most recent position as Director of Multicultural Affairs and Inclusion in the College of Communication Arts … Continue reading

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