Category Archives: BEACONites

Introducing BEACON’s New Science Outreach and Communication Postdocs

This post is by MSU postdoc Travis Hagey. Late in 2015 BEACON advertised for an Evolution Outreach and Education postdoctoral fellowship. As a result of that posting, we would like to introduce three new postdocs, Dr. Wendy Smythe, Dr. Travis … Continue reading

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E. O. Wilson's Consultation ≠ Collaboration

This post is by MSU graduate student Luis Zaman. Many of you have heard about E. O. Wilson’s new article “Great Scientists ≠ Good at Math” in the Wall Street Journal. If you haven’t, you should definitely read it. Wilson uses … Continue reading

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BEACONites around the blogosphere

The BEACON blog moderator is taking a brief hiatus to finish compiling our annual report to the National Science Foundation. For your weekly dose of evolution blogging, we recommend checking out some other BEACON-related blogs: Variation Selection Inheritance: a blog … Continue reading

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Rich Lenski explains the Long Term Evolution Experiment [VIDEO]

In episode 61 of MicrobeWorld Video, filmed at the American Association for the Advancement of Science Meeting in Vancouver, Canada on February 17th, 2012, Dr. Stan Maloy talks with BEACON’s Richard Lenski Ph.D., Hannah Professor of Microbial Ecology, Michigan State … Continue reading

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Best practices for scientific computing

BEACON’s Titus Brown co-authored a paper now available as a pre-print on arXiv: Best Practices for Scientific Computing D. A. Aruliah, C. Titus Brown, Neil P. Chue Hong, Matt Davis, Richard T. Guy, Steven H. D. Haddock, Katy Huff, Ian Mitchell, Mark Plumbley, Ben Waugh, Ethan P. White, Greg Wilson, Paul … Continue reading

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BEACON 2012 Congress Recap

The annual BEACON Congress took place this week at Michigan State University. In addition to talks and posters about ongoing research and education progress, one of the most important kinds of sessions held at BEACON Congresses are “Sandbox Sessions.” Each … Continue reading

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The Black Queen Hypothesis

A new evolutionary theory proposes that microorganisms may be selected to lose costly functions if another organism can perform them instead. BEACON postdoc Jeffrey Morris, along with professor Richard Lenski and University of Tennessee collaborator Erik Zenser, proposes this explanation … Continue reading

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Introducing BEACON Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellow Joshua Nahum

We are pleased to announce that Joshua Nahum is the first recipient of the BEACON Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellowship. He will be co-sponsored by Rich Lenski and Charles Ofria. First, a little about Josh’s unusual background. Since early grade school, Josh … Continue reading

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BEACONites generating more data than we can handle

It sounds like a good problem to have, but it is still a very real problem: we are now producing genomic and metagenomic data much faster than we can analyze it. Two of BEACON’s own scientists are quite familiar with … Continue reading

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TED Talk: Christoph Adami – Finding life we can't imagine

Watch the new TED talk by BEACON’s Chris Adami!

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