Author Archives: hageyt

Deputy Director Charles Ofria Receives College of Engineering Withrow Distinguished Scholar Senior Award

BEACON is very excited to congratulate our Deputy Director Charles Ofria on his selection for the College of Engineering Withrow Distinguished Scholar Senior Award. This is the MSU College of Engineering’s highest award for research and a significant achievement. The … Continue reading

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A niche in time: adaptations in sensory processing associated with temporal niche

This post is by MSU graduate student Andrea Morrow. People often associate certain physical adaptations with an animal’s temporal niche, i.e. daily activity pattern. For example, some nocturnal animals have larger eyes, larger corneas, or higher concentrations of rod cells than … Continue reading

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How lemur social networks shape microbial transmission

This post is by UT Austin graduate student Amanda Perofsky. Primates exhibit diverse ecological and behavioral patterns, ranging from solitary foragers to several hundred individuals, as in the multi-level societies of hamadryas baboons [1]. Many wild primates live in social … Continue reading

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3rd Annual Big Data in Biology Summer School

This post is by UT Austin graduate student Rayna Harris The Center for Computational Biology and Bioinformatics at The University of Texas at Austin is proud to host the 3rd Annual Big Data in Biology Summer School May 23–26, 2016. The 2016 … Continue reading

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Introducing BEACON’s New Science Outreach and Communication Postdocs

This post is by MSU postdoc Wendy Smythe. Dr. Wendy F. Smythe is an environmental scientist who came to BEACON from CMOP who looks at how microbes influence their environment, by examining geochemistry, microbial ecology, microbial diversity, and biomineralization of iron … Continue reading

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2nd Active LENS Workshop: June 2016

This post is by MSU postdoc Mike Wiser  The 2nd annual Avida-ED Active LENS Workshop will be held at Michigan State University June 9-11, 2016 in East Lansing, MI. The purpose of this workshop is to train instructors in the use … Continue reading

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An Evolutionary Computation Perspective at AAAI 2016

This post is by UT Austin grad student Elliot Meyerson  I spent February 12-17 in Phoenix at the 30th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. AAAI covers artificial intelligence “broadly conceived”, with focus on “traditional topics such as search, machine learning, planning, knowledge representation, reasoning, natural … Continue reading

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Manipulating evolution to conserve species

This post is by MSU Postdoc Sarah Fitzpatrick working at the Kellogg Biological Station Consider a native fish population in a small headwater stream with low genetic diversity due to genetic drift and founder effect (loss of variation that occurs when … Continue reading

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Evolutionary signal processing and its application for brain information flow modeling

This post is by MSU PhD Candidate Jinyao Yan. There are two aspects of biomedical engineering which attract me: the quest for new knowledge, and its power for fostering innovation and promoting society’s development. These pursuits hold my heart; and I am … Continue reading

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Studying the Evolution of Division of Labor with Digital Organisms

This post is by MSU Postdoc Heather Goldsby. Why do you have different types of cells in your body? Why do honeybees perform different roles, including forager, undertaker, nurse, and queen? Why do factory workers perform jobs as specific as … Continue reading

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