Author Archives: hageyt

Life Isn’t Fair

This post is by MSU PhD candidate Eli Strauss “That’s not fair!” These were the words I uttered as a child anytime I felt that someone or something had unjustly slighted me. “Life isn’t fair,” my parents would tell me, which … Continue reading

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You Say “Cow” and I Hear “Milk” – The Joy of Interdisciplinary Work

This post is by MSU faculty Arend Hintze While I was listening to the many interesting talks of this year’s BEACON congress (2016), I was pondering about the journey that we took together to get here. Fortunately, I was around … Continue reading

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STC Directors annual meeting invited keynote Rush Holt

We were very excited to meet our invited keynote Rush Holt (center) at this year’s STC Directors annual meeting, which BEACON organized. In his keynote address, Dr. Holt discussed how NSF-funded Science and Technology Centers like BEACON can help take on … Continue reading

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The Evolution of the NSF-Funded BEACON Center: 2010-201

This post is by Patty Farrell-Cole, Ph.D., Marilyn Amey, Ph.D., Sarah Fitzgerald (Ph.D. candidate) and Alex Gardner (Ph.D. student) The National Science Foundation (NSF) holds expectations of transformational research and education for Science and Technology Centers (STC). In 2010, the … Continue reading

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Evolutionary Trade-offs

This Evol 101 post is by MSU grad student Tyler Derr Before even jumping into the evolutionary biology material, what is a trade-off? Well, a trade-off is when a choice must be made between multiple things that are either incompatible or an … Continue reading

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Science and Social Justice

This post is by NCAT faculty Joe Graves Yes, that’s me holding up the fist, next to the fist in the Science for the People banner stating: “Scientists Against Reagan’s War”. This picture was taken at a national march against US … Continue reading

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This Evol 101 post is by MSU grad student Alex Lalejini A Conceptual Analogy Technological innovations throughout the history of human invention are often the result of co-­opting an existing technology to develop something new. The invention of the microwave depended on … Continue reading

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Getting to the Stem of Central Nervous System Regeneration

This post is by UW grad student Shawn Luttrell Why do some animals regenerate missing or damaged tissue and organs while others do not? How are animals able to regenerate new tissue and do they all use the same genetic program? Was … Continue reading

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We are very excited to acknowledge the success of some fellow BEACONites. Kalyanmoy Deb and students of the COIN (Computational Optimization and Innovation) lab this year received multiple awards and nominations at the GECCO conference (The Genetic and Evolutionary Computation … Continue reading

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BEACON now funds video games?

This is a repost from Terry Soule (Computer Science, UI) and Barrie Robison (Biological Sciences, UI) Also visit Telliamed Revisited (Richard Lenski’s blog) for another write-up.  Hello BEACONites, Thanks to BEACON’s support Polymorphic Games has created the evolutionary video game Darwin’s Demons, and placed it … Continue reading

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