We are very excited to acknowledge the success of some fellow BEACONites. Kalyanmoy Deb and students of the COIN (Computational Optimization and Innovation) lab this year received multiple awards and nominations at the GECCO conference (The Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference).
For the Real-World Applications (RWA) track, Zhichao Lu, Kalyanmoy Deb (Michigan State University) and Ankur Sinha (Aalto University) were nominated for the Best Paper Award for their paper: Finding Reliable Solutions in Bilevel Optimization Problems Under Uncertainties.
In the Evolutionary Multi-objective Optimization (EMO) track, Rayan Hussein and Kalyanmoy Deb (Michigan State University) were nominated for the Best Paper Award for their paper A Generative Kriging Surrogate Model for Constrained and Unconstrained Multi-objective Optimization.
In the Genetic Algorithms track, Kalyanmoy Deb (Michigan State University) and Christie Myburgh (MapTek) won the Best Paper Award voted by the GECCO participants for their paper Breaking the Billion Variable Barrier in Real-World Optimization Using a Customized Evolutionary Algorithm.
The Niching Methods for Multi-modal Optimization Competition Award was awarded to Ali Ahrari (ME PhD student, Michigan State University), Kalyanmoy Deb (Michigan State University), and Mike Preuss (University of Munster, Germany) for their paper Benchmarking Covariance Matrix Self Adaption Evolution Strategy with Repelling Subpopulations.
Lastly ACM’s SIGEVO Impact Award, recognizing papers previously published 10 years earlier in the GECCO conference that are highly cited and deemed to be seminal by the SIGEVO Executive Committee, was awarded to Kalyanmoy Deb, and J. Sundar for their paper Reference point based multi-objective optimization using evolutionary algorithms in Proceedings of the 8th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation. ACM, 2006.