Tag Archives: Field Biology

BEACON Researchers at Work: The tale of the tail-less sea squirt

This week’s BEACON Researchers at Work post is by University of Washington graduate student Max Maliska. I have found my work as a PhD. candidate in Billie Swalla’s lab at University of Washington in Seattle to be highly integrative; spanning … Continue reading

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BEACON Researchers at Work: Does sociality influence disease resistance?

This week’s BEACON Researchers at Work blog post is by MSU graduate student Katy Califf. I’m generally interested in how genetic diversity and behavior influence each other in wild populations of mammals, particularly in the realm of disease ecology. More … Continue reading

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BEACON Researchers at Work: Brainy birds and fish

This week’s BEACON Researchers at Work post is by MSU postdoc Jason Keagy. Like many BEACONites, I am involved in several projects. Liliana Lettieri has already written an excellent post about the project I spend most of my time on. … Continue reading

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BEACON Researchers at Work: A computer scientist, but also a biologist

This week’s BEACON Researchers at Work blog post is by MSU graduate student Elijah Lowe. “But wait – aren’t you getting your Ph.D. in Computer Science?” That’s a question that I have gotten used to hearing in my matriculation through … Continue reading

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BEACON Researchers at Work: Understanding spatial genetic structure of martens and their prey

This week’s BEACON Researchers at Work blog post is by Michigan State University graduate student Paige Howell. Understanding the processes that influence the spatial distribution of diversity is a long-standing goal in ecology and evolutionary biology. It has also always … Continue reading

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BEACON Researchers at Work: The effect of landscapes and ecology on gene flow and speciation in amphibians

This week’s BEACON Researchers at Work blog post is by University of Idaho graduate student Tyler Hether. The amount of biological diversity at all levels of biological organization—from genes to ecosystems—fascinates me. This interest is the reason I study evolutionary … Continue reading

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BEACON Researchers at Work: Bringing evolution-in-action to high school students

This week’s BEACON Researchers at Work post is by MSU graduate student Anne Royer. Along with doing great science, learning how to communicate what we discover is one of the joys and challenges of graduate study. BEACON offers exciting opportunities … Continue reading

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BEACON Researchers at Work: Investigating the dynamics of diversification in chipmunks

This week’s BEACON Researchers at Work post is by University of Idaho graduate student Brice Sarver. Speciation, the set of processes through which new species arise, is one of the central areas of biological study.  It is easy, relatively speaking, … Continue reading

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BEACON Researchers at Work: Studying the evolution of sociality with real and digital hyenas

This week’s BEACON Researchers at Work blog post is by MSU postdoc Aaron Wagner. The evolution of sociality is one of the most fascinating and productive topics in evolutionary biology. Though it is often very useful to look to social … Continue reading

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BEACON Researchers at Work: How the cricket lost its song

This week’s BEACON Researchers at Work post is by MSU postdoc Robin Tinghitella. Last April I had the pleasure of writing the very first BEACON Researchers at Work blog post. I shared a story about how a tropical field cricket, … Continue reading

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