Outreach to the Public

BEACONites are actively involved in public outreach and participate regularly in events that bring the science of evolution in action to all levels of the general public.

Elementary Science Nights

Graduate students and postdoctoral fellows travel to local elementary schools to for science night. Creative and interactive games and demonstrations show students how natural selection leads to adaptations, how populations change in response to environmental changes, and other activities.


Museum Exhibits

The MSU museum has ongoing exhibits showcasing BEACON research projects.

Past exhibits have features the work of Kay Holecamp. Current exhibits feature the Long Term Evolution Experiment being carried out by Dr. Richard Lenski (provide a link) and the co-evolution of grasshopper mice and scorpions, work being done by Drs. Ashlee and Matt Rowe.


Additional projects supported by BEACON

Darwin Day Roadshow

Undergraduate Diversity at Evolution

Evolution Symposium at the National Association of Biology Teachers Annual Professional Development Conference

Ecology and Evolution Symposium at the Annual Conference of the Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS)

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