Diversity Performance Indicators – Individuals with ThisAbilities

Together we create a welcoming environment, fortify capacity, and compassionately challenge people to redefine disability. We grow ambition into personal and professional success by fostering self-advocacy, connected knowledge, innovative technology, and community partnerships

Currently 6.4% of BEACON participants self-reported as having a disability, which exceeds the National Norms (3.3%) by 93.9%. By demonstrating a commitment to being inclusive and establishing a welcoming consortium, undergraduates have increased to 7.1%, which is a 51% increase over the National Norm (4.7%); graduates has increased to 8.2%, which is an 43.8% increase over the National Norm (5.7%), post-docs (where National Norm data is unavailable) maintained at the 2016 level of 2%, and faculty (2.7%) are equal to the National Norm (2.7%).

BEACON’s Disability Action Plan activities are establishing best-practice activities and tools for increased adaptive learning and research/lab strategies that enrich learning environments inclusive of all participants.

BEACON’s ongoing challenge is to reassure individuals with disabilities that reporting their status allows us to enhance and support their efforts and will not result in any vulnerabilities or biases against them.

Here are resources at each BEACON partner school:

Michigan State University

North Carolina A&T State University

University of Idaho

University of Texas at Austin

University of Washington




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