Category Archives: Education

Science and Social Justice

This post is by NCAT faculty Joe Graves Yes, that’s me holding up the fist, next to the fist in the Science for the People banner stating: “Scientists Against Reagan’s War”. This picture was taken at a national march against US … Continue reading

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BEACON now funds video games?

This is a repost from Terry Soule (Computer Science, UI) and Barrie Robison (Biological Sciences, UI) Also visit Telliamed Revisited (Richard Lenski’s blog) for another write-up.  Hello BEACONites, Thanks to BEACON’s support Polymorphic Games has created the evolutionary video game Darwin’s Demons, and placed it … Continue reading

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A Mighty Mouse and a Scientist in Training: A Story of Physiological and Personal Evolution

This post is by Okemos High School student Maddie Stover working in Dr. Ashlee Rowe’s lab in the Neuroscience Program & Department of Integrative Biology at MSU. A particularly effective nervous system makes the four-inch grasshopper mouse quite a fearsome … Continue reading

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3rd Annual Big Data in Biology Summer School

This post is by UT Austin graduate student Rayna Harris The Center for Computational Biology and Bioinformatics at The University of Texas at Austin is proud to host the 3rd Annual Big Data in Biology Summer School May 23–26, 2016. The 2016 … Continue reading

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2nd Active LENS Workshop: June 2016

This post is by MSU postdoc Mike Wiser  The 2nd annual Avida-ED Active LENS Workshop will be held at Michigan State University June 9-11, 2016 in East Lansing, MI. The purpose of this workshop is to train instructors in the use … Continue reading

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Point Break: My experiment with dropping PowerPoint in a large lecture course

This post is by MSU Associate Professor Chris Waters. A Change is necessary I am the course administrator and sole instructor for the junior/senior level course “MMG 431:Microbial Genetics” of about 150 students at Michigan State University. Entering my seventh … Continue reading

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Introducing BEACON’s New Science Outreach and Communication Postdocs

This post is by MSU postdoc Travis Hagey. Late in 2015 BEACON advertised for an Evolution Outreach and Education postdoctoral fellowship. As a result of that posting, we would like to introduce three new postdocs, Dr. Wendy Smythe, Dr. Travis … Continue reading

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BEACON Researchers at Work: Outreach in the lion’s den – An evolutionary biologist at a creationist conference

This week’s BEACON Researchers at Work blog post is by MSU graduate student Carina Baskett.  Imagine that you are a construction worker, and one day a group of people set up a tent outside the house you are building. In … Continue reading

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Sharing your passion for science with the world through reddit: Interview with Unidan

Reposted from MSU graduate student Randal Olson’s blog. For the third and final interview in this series of posts about science outreach on reddit, I’m interviewing a “reddit celebrity” who became famous for sharing his passion for science with the rest of the … Continue reading

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Answering people’s pressing science questions on reddit: Interview with Tobias Landberg

Reposted from MSU graduate student Randal Olson’s blog. This post is the second in a series of posts where I am interviewing scientists who do science outreach to the public on reddit. My goal here is to discuss these scientist’s experiences to give … Continue reading

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