Author Archives: hageyt

Getting Mixed Signals: Exploring the Evolution of Disjunctive Signaling Games

This post is written by Peter Fetros, an undergraduate computer science research assistant at UI working with James Foster and Bert Baumgaertner Signals are all around us. Most organisms use signals in order to communicate with one another. They might use them to tell … Continue reading

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Evolution & Ecology Activities at the 2016 SACNAS National Conference: STEM Diversity & Public Understanding

This post is written by Tracy Heath, Corrie Moreau, Alexa Warwick, and Felipe Zapata The 2016 National Conference of the Society for the Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science was held last week in Long Beach, CA. This conference … Continue reading

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2017 Darwin Day Roadshow – Apply Now!

Starting in 2016, BEACON began collaborating with three scientific societies (ASN, SSE, SSB) to continue support for a variety of outreach opportunities that needed a new home after NESCent ended. Today we’re highlighting one of these opportunities – the Darwin … Continue reading

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Scientific Symposium at the SACNAS National Conference

The Society for Systematic Biologists and the BEACON Center for the Study of Evolution in Action have collaborated to organize a scientific symposium at the Society for the Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science national conference in Long … Continue reading

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Meiotic Recombination: Crossing-over into Livestock Species

This post is by Kimberly Davenport, first year graduate student in Animal Science with Dr. Brenda Murdoch at the University of Idaho and Brenda Murdoch, assistant professor of animal genetics at the University of Idaho. With each research project comes its … Continue reading

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Pareto Improvement of Pareto-Based Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms

This week’s BEACON Researchers at Work blog post is by Prof. Lihong Xu and Prof. Erik D. Goodman The Greenhouse research team of BEACON, led by Prof. Lihong Xu (from Tongji University, China) and Prof. Erik D. Goodman, has been … Continue reading

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A Network Analysis of BEACON Co-authorship 2010-2015

This post is by Sarah Fitzgerald (doctoral candidate), Alex Gardner (doctoral student), Patty Farrell-Cole, Ph.D. and, Marilyn Amey, Ph.D., Inter-institutional and interdisciplinary research has become an increasingly popular and important area of study as funders, tenure committees and others seek … Continue reading

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Lobsters out of water: Scientists at film camp in Maine

This post is by MSU grad student Carina Baskett My colleague Klara Scharnagl had a great idea. “Let’s shoot it from the perspective of a vegetable!” As a scientist, I don’t usually go to work expecting to hear a sentence like that! … Continue reading

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Collaborations with K-12 teachers first inspired Data Nuggets, and continue to today

This post is by MSU postdocs Melissa Kjelvik and Liz Schultheis Back when we were biology graduate students, the GK-12 program at the Kellogg Biological Station (KBS) exposed us to science education for the first time. When we signed up to work with … Continue reading

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